Trademark registration
For more information, please contact us at +370 (5) 208 0796
The concept of a trademark originated in the 19th century. It is an intellectual property right designed to distinguish one person’s goods or services from another person’s trademarks, designs that can be represented graphically and copyright to secure various exclusive rights to innovations created. Trademark laws and registers facilitate business by defining rights and clarifying the boundaries between trademarks.
Trademark registers help to strengthen the credibility of business by enabling companies to resolve disputes quickly and efficiently. A registered trademark is an indispensable guarantee of quality and an essential tool for a company’s image. It helps businesses to identify you and protects you from unfair competition. A trade mark can consist of words, names, surnames, letters, numbers, names of legal entities, slogans, drawings or a combination of colours.
The applicant acquires a priority right to the mark from the date of filing of the application. From that date until the date of issue of the certificate of registration, the mark shall be granted provisional legal protection, which entitles the holder to assert a claim against another person by way of notice of possible infringement of the rights provided for by law.